Samsung Galaxy S4 GT-I9500 Review
Samsung Galaxy S4 GT-I9500 - I acutally purchased from this seller
By Heshan Mudannayake
Before reviewing the phone, the seller, I want to say to all the people who just reviewed this 1 star because the price is too much and AT&T an T-Mobile has it, please quite wasting everyone's time. WHY? Without buying it how do you know it's fake or not? And for the record if you want to pay $630 to get the phone from T-Mobile go ahead. When you end up paying Tax and shipping you end up paying $700 anyways.
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There you go, digest that. That being said, the T-Mobile S4 that I got comes with crap that is running in the background draining the battery and using up space. This has only the Samsung software that aren't completely useless. That being said, on to the phone review. I'm not technophile, but I know a great product when I see one. I've had Samsung TV's, Tablets, and the Galaxy S, SII and now the S4. Quality is what you'll get. And for the price? You can't beat it. You're not locked in with some stupid cell phone provider and their bloatware isn't crapping the phone's style.
The display gorgeous, really vibrant, and I love the features so far! (Only had it a few hours, but first impressions always make the best impression). It's smooth, sleek, very very thin. Beat that apple! With the Galaxy S4 having more computing power than the Apollo 13, it's a solid, good buy. All in all, it's a fantastic, wonderful phone and I recommend it to anyone.
Samsung Galaxy S4 GT-I9500 Review - Great Phone!
By Trinexus
It has everything it said and more. Sure, most of it is software based, but it has those little things that grow on you (plus is fun to brag about what your phone can do, even if you don`t use that feature often lol). The hardware is a beast, haven`t experienced any lag at all, even running the latest games or apps.
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Haven`t experienced any lag, or ghosting or any of the problems reported (and I still haven`t done the firmware upgrade available). Great phone, good quality on calls, and battery lasted close enough to 24 hours with moderate use (3g, gps, chat, calling, and epub reading).