Blackberry Q10 Review

Blackberry Q10 Review

Blackberry Q10 Review - Excellent device
By R. A. Dumas

I was not able to buy via Amazon because I needed AT&T LTE, and so had to go elsewhere. But I've had the device for several days now and absolutely love it. In the past, I've used all versions of the iPhone, a variety of Android devices, and more recently Windows Phone 8 for the last two years. I really liked the various Nokia Windows Phone 8 devices I had but was intrigued by the central hub of Blackberry 10, the keyboard, and highly rated browser. And so:

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About me: I'm a complete gadget freak, who has never found nirvana in a phone - smart or otherwise. I do need a mobile phone to be a good *phone* however, and this is where most smart phones fall down. The Blackberry q10 is almost better than talking on a landline - an experience I had forgotten about after so many years of mediocre call quality. It's blazing fast - on many of my other devices, I wouldn't bother clicking on links because even with LTE, it wasn't worth the wait. The Blackberry q10 loads so quickly, it's unreal. Embedded videos play without a hitch. Nothing hangs, dangles or lingers. It just works.

The biggest selling point for me is the hub. Many professional reviewers questioned the value of centralized communications, but I can't think of a single negative for having everything in one place (plus, you can select what you want to appear there/or not). Other features that work for me:
  • "Remember": Fabulous and easy way to manage lists, emails and to do's on the go.
  • Type and just type and go. Searching, emails, texts, searching for a contact. It's very cool not to have to go to the special search page to do this.

Oh yes - and it has a keyboard. No matter how I've tried to love typing on glass, I've never mastered it the way somer teenagers have. Having the keyboard makes a big difference in my desire to respond to people before I get back to a computer or tablet. Will I play games on it? No - the screen is pretty small, and that's what my iPad Mini is for. But it's easy enough to read the news, and use other apps, such as Flixster,

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The logic built into the UI works for me - other OS's (except for WP 8) don't seem to have pure productivity in mind. And so if that's your bag, I highly recommend this device - just make sure you get the one that will work with your network: all unlocked phones are not created equally! I think if BB comes out with a slider version of this device, nirvana might be possible.